Hudson Shuffleboards, among the numerous resources it offers to its customers, now offers a resource for affordable financing. Customers of Hudson Shuffleboards, whether an individual home user, small business or start up business, can purchase new Hudson Shuffleboards' equipment and make low monthly payments according to financing offered by TimePayment.
TimePayment, a wholly owned operating subsidiary of publicly traded MicroFinancial, Inc. (NASDAQ:MFI), offers leasing to a wide range of customers including new businesses. TimePayment specializes in transactions with an equipment cost starting as low as $500.
Professionals at TimePayment can answer any questions you have about the program and take your information to complete a credit application
STEP 1. PLACE ORDERCall Hudson Shuffleboards at 1-714-988-0001 to place an order and obtain an order total and invoice number. Payment information will NOT be collected at this time.
STEP 2. APPLY FOR CREDITCall TimePayment at 1-800-872-1532 to learn about the financing and apply for credit, or click the "OK" link at the bottom of the page after reviewing the notice.
You will be asked for Hudson Shuffleboards' vendor code, which is 06HS2.
STEP 3. OBTAIN APPROVALObtain approval and a credit limit.
STEP 4. FINALIZE ORDERCall Hudson Shuffleboards to advise us of your approval and the amount approved. Provide an email address and/or a fax number for loan document delivery.
STEP 5. LOAN DOCUMENT DELIVERYTimePayment Vendor Desk will forward documents to you for your signature by email or fax.
STEP 6. REVIEW AND SIGNReview the loan documents and sign them in the places indicated if you desire to take advantage of the financing.
STEP 7. SENDEmail or fax the signed documents along with a copy of a cancelled check from which your monthly payment will be made to TimePayment. The documents can be emailed to the email address provided with the documents or be faxed to 1-781-994-4938.
STEP 8. DOCUMENTS FINALIZEDTimePayment will authorize the documents and notify Hudson Shuffleboards.
STEP 9. ORDER IS MANUFACTURED AND SHIPPEDHudson Shuffleboards will manufacture and ship your order to the shipping address you provide.
STEP 10. FINAL STEPTimePayment will contact you to confirm your order has been filled.
Please note. If any instruction or procedure above contradicts information provided to you by TimePayment, follow the updated procedure or information provided by TimePayment.
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